A Birthday Rehab + ALL You Have To Do Is Ask [The Creative's Checkup]

Tap the link to jump to the section you want to read!

​Vital Signs How I Went From Discouragement to Commitment for my 50th Year

​Lab Work How Convertkit Commerce Makes Raising Money Easy

​Consult What area do you need to focus on this summer?

​Prescriptions What to Watch, Listen To, Read and Try Out Next

​More Ways to Thrive Special offers, bonuses and cool things

Vital Signs.p>


Let me be honest...I wasn't too excited about turning 50. 😐
About a month ago, as the 'big day' approached, I felt a mix of panic and disappointment.
Panic because I had mentally pictured releasing something big on my birthday - a new album, a new book, etc.
Things that of course, take years to plan - not a month.
And I felt disappointment because of the 'life milestones' I hadn't achieved. You know, the things "real adults" have handled when they want everyone to know they've made all the right decisions.
What's the difference between the way I felt then and the way I feel AFTER I've crossed the Rubicon into my 5th decade?
One, I'm realizing I'm more proud of who I have than what I have.
I have a beautiful family - who, not what.

I have relationships with amazing creatives - who, not what. ​
I have an incredible community of God-loving people surrounding me - who, not what.
But second, I did what I could instead of focusing on what I hadn't done. ​
I couldn't get a book out. But I could finish my devotional for YouVersion, which is now available on 750 million devices in the world that have downloaded the app.
And I did.
I couldn't finish an album, but I could start a crowd fund for 50 people who would pitch in $50 (US) to become executive producers of my next project.
And I did.
I couldn't remake the music industry on my own, but I could launch a new music podcast exclusively on Podcasting 2.0 native apps (thanks to Adam Curry and the rest of the hashtag#value4value community) that feature independent artists and allow my supporters to send them Bitcoin directly without any middleman.
And I did.
So, I feel much different.
And anyone who is dreading a season coming up because you feel you are behind the 8-ball of the season you left.....
...I hope soon, you'll be smiling realizing that you're actually in the best position you've ever been in.



Lab Work.p>


The Power of the Ask

As I mentioned in the Vital Signs...I've decided to jump back into recording after 10 years of avoiding the stress and responsibility of making music that will be shared with others.

And one of the main reasons I was afraid to do it was the investment needed.

Like many of us, I cringed at the thought of the bills that would accumulate with the process - and I feared not being about to finish. But I also remember the struggle of crowdfunding using big platforms like Kickstarter.

So this time, I'm ignoring all of that and using the tools I have right in front of me - namely Convertkit Commerce and the product tool.

​The landing page I'm using to collect $50 donations from 50 "executive producers" only took me minutes to put together. It doesn't have any fancy bells and whistles and no 'tiers' to manage like Patreon or Kickstarter.

In the game of asking, the simple way is always the winner.

The results? In just 3 days I've already got 7 producers who committed, which is close to 20% of my goal. And that's with NO overhead from a crowdfunding platform.

I'll let you know how this goes, but I'm confident I'll hit my goal - which means my recording will become a reality.

If you're interested in checking out Convertkit and using their Commerce tool, just tap the button below. There are other solutions for direct payments (Buy Me a Coffee, Paypal, etc) but this is the one that has proven effective for me.




What ONE area needs your focus the MOST?

Our amazing discussion with the 90 Day Wins coach, Sandra Barker McIntosh aka Coach Sandy B, has sparked a lot of thought about how we can utilize our Summer of Success to make major gains in our creative career.

She's the reason I'm committing to finishing my recording project - because I realize all that's stopping me is consistent action.

But maybe your focus is on something else - you just have to make sure that you maintain your focus.

We're asking that same question in our polls on YouTube - send your answer via the link below! We'd love to know where you need encouragement and accountability.




Here's your next steps to.keep thriving this week.

πŸ’Š PICK one of our recommended books for creative performances and commit to reading it this summer. ​

πŸ’Š SIGN UP for our 90 Day Wins Workshop Waitlist with Coach Sandy B (time to be confirmed asap!) ​

β€‹πŸ’Š ​Download the New God and Gigs devotional on Youversion and share it with a few friends to read together! ​



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Here's some more ways that we can help you become a completely confident, God-centered creative.



Value4Value - how we help each other

If you've gotten any value from God and Gigs - our newsletter, videos, podcast, coaching or community - here's 3 easy ways to show your appreciation and send value back our way.

TIME - share an episode, a link or forward this newsletter to a friend. Or leave a comment on our socials - that engagement does wonders for us.

TALENT - we can use any talent or admin skill you want to share - from voiceovers to theme songs. Let me know via an email if you’re interested in sharing!

TREASURE - You can become a producer of our podcast with monthly donations and you can even support the podcast IN REAL TIME via Value4Value with tiny pieces of Bitcoin! (trust me, it's actually way easier than you think)


The easy way to get started having fun in Value4Value is to download a modern podcast app here! ​


I personally use the "Fountain" app and it's AWESOME.

(Apple and Spotify don't let you connect with me directly like these apps do)


That small sign of support makes a huge difference in my ability to serve you with continuous episodes that inspire and motivate our community.


Become a Monthly ​Partner with the Podcast Here and become a God and Gigs "Producer"


Thanks for reading!

Continue to become the creative you were created to be, and if you enjoyed this, please forward it to a friend!






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