Special? NO. Here's Why [The Creative's Checkup]

Today's Checkup Includes...

​Vital Signs NOT that special?

​Lab Work Brutal Honesty about Email

​Consult Influencer Culture - Helping or Hurting You?

​Prescriptions What to Watch, Listen To, Read and Try Out Next

​More Ways to Thrive Special offers, bonuses and cool things

Vital Signs.p>


YOU are special... but your situation isn't.

This morning was a gut check in my devotional time.

Like many of you, I'm working hard on making my creative business / income match my current needs (which includes replacing a car that is not long for this world)

But it's so tempting to simply ask God to fix my situation, because after all, He's TOTALLY as consumed with my situation as I am, right?

Umm, maybe not.

While God sees ME as special...the way He made me, my artistic qualities, my perspectives... all unique...

...my situation is really NOT special. It's the same thing every human being goes through.

That's a little humbling - but also freeing.

Remember today, that God is more interested in YOU than fixing what's AROUND you.

Your situation - building a creative brand, figuring out how to thrive as an artist - is COMMON. Which means there are common solutions.

YOU, my friend, are uncommon. No one else can create quite like you.

Let that free you from focusing on your situation, and focus more on who God is and why He's so interested in you knowing Him better.


Lab Work.p>


This email itself is a test that I'm really evaluating deeply.

And your responses are kind of "test results".

While the open rate on these emails has been great, the fact is that not many of our community members are clicking through.

So...that either means the content isn't relevant - or the way I'm sharing these links isn't compelling / necessary (meaning you've already seen the content)

That said, I'm still believing that the most beneficial way of you reaching your creative audience is through your email list - but I'm retooling how much time I spend on each email.

The case in point that proves its not about clicks?

The fact that I get tons of responses from the opening sequence emails - something I wrote years ago.

So the lesson is - write something that matters to your community, and don't be discouraged when sometimes they don't respond. Go back to what you know and share where they are.




We all see the constant barrage of posts, shares and videos from influencers on our social media feeds everyday.

To the point that you might think "If you can't beat them, join them."

But is that actually harmful to your creative output and integrity?

We asked that question on Facebook and the response has been lively and diverse.

What's your take? Share it so we can see where you stand.



Here's your next steps to keep thriving this week.

πŸ’Š SIGN UP with Coach Sandy B and attend the FREE 90 Day Wins Coaching Summer of Success Sessions!

πŸ’Š WATCH and LISTEN to EPISODE 290 and share your thoughts with us on whether artists should avoid influencer culture and their strategies


video preview​



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Here's some more ways that we can help you become a completely confident, God-centered creative.



Value4Value - how we help each other

If you've gotten any value from God and Gigs - our newsletter, videos, podcast, coaching or community - here's 3 easy ways to show your appreciation and send value back our way.

TIME - share an episode, a link or forward this newsletter to a friend. Or leave a comment on our socials - that engagement does wonders for us.

TALENT - we can use any talent or admin skill you want to share - from voiceovers to theme songs. Let me know via an email if you’re interested in sharing!

TREASURE - You can become a producer of our podcast with monthly donations and you can even support the podcast IN REAL TIME via Value4Value with tiny pieces of Bitcoin! (trust me, it's actually way easier than you think)


The easy way to get started having fun in Value4Value is to download a modern podcast app here! ​


I personally use the "Fountain" app and it's AWESOME.

(Apple and Spotify don't let you connect with me directly like these apps do)


That small sign of support makes a huge difference in my ability to serve you with continuous episodes that inspire and motivate our community.


Become a Monthly ​Partner with the Podcast Here and become a God and Gigs "Producer"


Thanks for reading!

Continue to become the creative you were created to be, and if you enjoyed this, please forward it to a friend!



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