πŸ™Š What They're Saying About You [The Creative's Checkup]

Today's Checkup Includes...

​Vital Signs Who are You...really?

​Lab Work The Power of Social Proof

​Consult What's in a Name?

​Prescriptions Recommended Next Steps

​More Ways to Thrive How to get more help

Vital Signs.p>



It was both delightful and depressing.

If you want to know what could have prompted both of those emotions, it was the answers to a question I asked our community yesterday via email. If you answered it, thank you so much for helping me sort out some things.
The question was..."what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of God and Gigs?"

The delightful part was all the wonderful compliments and encouraging words that our community sent me.

The depressing part?

The fact that no one said the SAME thing.

Sidenote: I'm comforted to know that even Jesus went through this, when he asked his disciples what people were saying about him, and there were varying answers.

It's a marketer's nightmare when the message isn't clear.

And while I'm so glad this platform is blessing people in several different ways, the tough part is picking ONE thing that we'll do BEST.

And I think you can see the same need in your own creative career.

One of our most highly recommended books is Jordan Raynor's Master of One (you can get a copy here) in which he explains how we all have to pick one thing that God has gifted us to do at the highest level.

It doesn't mean you can't do OTHER things.

It just means that one thing will always be your calling card.

This isn't about basing your identity in what you do.

You're a child of God, and that's the principle thing that makes you who you are.

But other people probably know you for something that you exemplify.

So it's a good thing to know what people are saying about you.

We're gonna work together over the next few weeks on leaning into your ONE thing so we all can have true clarity in our message, mission and mindset.


Lab Work.p>


How Social Proof is Helping our Progress

It's no secret that EVERYONE likes getting 5 star reviews.

Anytime someone says publicly that they love your work, it's a major boost to your mood.

The key problem is: how do you share those comments easily and without doing a ton of work to copy and paste what other people say?

One thing that is working AMAZINGLY for me is an app called Senja - and the proof is in, well, the proof.

The thing that a lot of us don't realize is that there ARE people who have already said they love your work...but you haven't been able to keep it all together.

They are posts that are lost in threads and posts that you forgot about. I was STUNNED when I realized how many people have given us good reviews online.

testimonial image

The thing Senja does amazingly well is help you FIND those posts so you can share them easily and beautifully.

But let's focus first on WHY you want to share those testimonials.

Like I said, people love compliments and reviews, but what they like even better is knowing that when they search for something, there's someone else who has already checked it out.

Be honest, we all look at how many likes something got before we like it ourselves. It's just human nature.

So by collecting testimonials about your music, art, performances or business, we're making our next customer or listeners' decision EASIER.

They don't have to research you. They just read what someone else learned about you.

And that is a wonderful way to show your community that you're authentic - because you're not pumping yourself up. Other people are.

If you're interested in how we're using testimonials to help show what we do (and maybe even add your own review) head to


and check out our "wall of value".




What's in a name?

We're talking a lot about identity in this newsletter, so now I'd love to know what YOU think of YOU?

Here's a fun way to think of it that we shared in our Facebook group. If your name was a verb, what would that verb mean?

For example, I hope that to "Allen" means to be loyal and generous.

This can really help you jumpstart how you want your community to see you - and to make changes to be the kind of person you want to become.


​Share your thoughts here in our Facebook group! ​




πŸ’Š REGISTER for the LINKEDIN LIVE MASTERCLASS presented by LaShonda Brown on how to increase your income with LinkedIn! (use ALLEN25 to save 25% off the registration fee) This two hour masterclass is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their LinkedIn following, get a LinkedIn Live sponsored & generate passive income.

You'll get 2 hours of direct coaching from LaShonda on how she generated over 10K in income using these strategies, PLUS

  • Discounts on tech tools to help implement the strategies right away
  • Access to the EXACT templates
  • Email support with LaShonda until August 31st about the class curriculum for those who can't attend live who still have questions.

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Here's some more ways that we can help you become a completely confident, God-centered creative.



Value4Value - how we help each other

If you've gotten any value from God and Gigs - our newsletter, videos, podcast, coaching or community - here's 3 easy ways to show your appreciation and send value back our way.

TIME - share an episode, a link or forward this newsletter to a friend. Or leave a comment on our socials - that engagement does wonders for us.

TALENT - we can use any talent or admin skill you want to share - from voiceovers to theme songs. Let me know via an email if you’re interested in sharing!

TREASURE - You can become a producer of our podcast with monthly donations and you can even support the podcast IN REAL TIME via Value4Value with tiny pieces of Bitcoin! (trust me, it's actually way easier than you think)


The easy way to get started having fun in Value4Value is to download a modern podcast app here! ​


I personally use the "Fountain" app and it's AWESOME.

(Apple and Spotify don't let you connect with me directly like these apps do)


That small sign of support makes a huge difference in my ability to serve you with continuous episodes that inspire and motivate our community.


Become a Monthly ​Partner with the Podcast Here and become a God and Gigs "Producer"


Thanks for reading!

Continue to become the creative you were created to be, and if you enjoyed this, please forward it to a friend!



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