πŸ“£ Why I Picked NOW to be a Cheer Leader [The Creative's Checkup]

Today's Checkup Includes...

​Vital Signs MIND - BODY - SPIRIT

​Lab Work Become a Cheerleader

​Consult Too Much Ministry?

​Prescriptions What to Watch, Listen To, Read and Try Out Next

​More Ways to Thrive Special offers, bonuses and cool things

Vital Signs.p>



With the impact of our discussions on health still reverberating, I'm not ready to move on to other topics.

I think the discussion of how our spiritual health links with our physical health deserves a continuous place of priority in every creative's life... because it's so clear to me that we've often placed one (spirit) way over the other (body).

God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He doesn't take a break from being any of the three. In the same way, you as a creative spirit can't take a break from managing your mind, your body, or your spirit.

All three need to be working in concert so you can create all of the beauty, art, community and prosperity God wants you to create on this side of Heaven.

What does that mean practically? Well, like we said on Friday's livestream... it means being a good steward of your physical temple. Eating right. Sleeping more. Refusing to be a slave to the creative hustle culture.

But then spiritually and emotionally, it means making sure you care for the inner man as much, if not more, than the outer man. And honestly, you need the Church, the community, and your fellow creatives to get that balance right.

I love what our Gold member Charmaine said after the livestream here...it summarizes why all 3 of these areas have to be in your daily walk if you want to be a totally confident Christian creative.

testimonial image

Lab Work.p>


Become a Cheerleader

I'm not talking about the rah-rah, pom-pom people on the sidelines of a sports event when I mention cheerleaders.

I've seen some incredible amplification of my own platform simply by becoming someone else's biggest fan.

And the good part? It's not contrived or manufactured to get attention. I'm supporting creators I honest love and admire - but they are reciprocating by letting people know about my support.

TWO cases to prove this....

  1. Being a part of LaShonda Brown's Bootstrap Biz Advice's launch of her new app. Not only am I gaining tons of knowledge and actionable advice...but LaShonda literally made me part of the FACE of the brand by putting our photo shoot pictures ON HER LANDING PAGE. She's also using my testimonials as she promotes her launch. That means every time folks see her app...yep, they are getting a connection to our community as well.
  2. Helping Apryl Beverly to reach her goal of winning an A.I. Innovator award. When I saw that she was a few votes short of winning this contest, I reposted and emailed our community to get her some help. What I DIDN'T expect was for Apryl to shout me out not once, but TWICE on LinkedIn. That kind of positioning is priceless - and honestly I couldn't afford to pay for that. It's only because I decided to be generous with my effort that she was willing to be generous with her mentions.

All this to say---- DON'T be afraid to be your mentor's biggest cheerleader. It might be your ticket into inner circles and new relationships.

P.S. All of the LinkedIn love I received from Apryl is proof that LinkedIn IS valuable to creators, and I saw it with my own eyes. That's why LaShonda's LinkedIn masterclass on August 23rd is a great option if you wanna get serious about making an impact with highly qualified potential members for your community.





Too Much Ministry?

Our previous guests on the God and Gigs show are always sharing major wisdom on their own channels, and this post was no exception.

Top notch producer John Mike recently shared a post on how church musicians become convinced that the only way to serve God is in the local church, and then end up with severe financial stress because they don’t prioritize other income streams.

This hit home with me and a bunch of his followers, but I’m curious about your view. Have you ever felt that churches put too much emphasis on serving in the house vs. working outside of it? Share your thoughts in our Facebook group!



video preview​

πŸ’Š Watch / Listen to our powerful live stream on the importance of prioritizing your health!


πŸ’Š REGISTER for the LINKEDIN LIVE MASTERCLASS presented by LaShonda Brown on how to increase your income with LinkedIn! (use ALLEN25 to save 25% off the registration fee) This two hour masterclass is specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their LinkedIn following, get a LinkedIn Live sponsored & generate passive income.

You'll get 2 hours of direct coaching from LaShonda on how she generated over 10K in income using these strategies, PLUS

  • Discounts on tech tools to help implement the strategies right away
  • Access to the EXACT templates
  • Email support with LaShonda until August 31st about the class curriculum for those who can't attend live who still have questions.

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Here's some more ways that we can help you become a completely confident, God-centered creative.



Value4Value - how we help each other

If you've gotten any value from God and Gigs - our newsletter, videos, podcast, coaching or community - here's 3 easy ways to show your appreciation and send value back our way.

TIME - share an episode, a link or forward this newsletter to a friend. Or leave a comment on our socials - that engagement does wonders for us.

TALENT - we can use any talent or admin skill you want to share - from voiceovers to theme songs. Let me know via an email if you’re interested in sharing!

TREASURE - You can become a producer of our podcast with monthly donations and you can even support the podcast IN REAL TIME via Value4Value with tiny pieces of Bitcoin! (trust me, it's actually way easier than you think)


The easy way to get started having fun in Value4Value is to download a modern podcast app here! ​


I personally use the "Fountain" app and it's AWESOME.

(Apple and Spotify don't let you connect with me directly like these apps do)


That small sign of support makes a huge difference in my ability to serve you with continuous episodes that inspire and motivate our community.


Become a Monthly ​Partner with the Podcast Here and become a God and Gigs "Producer"


Thanks for reading!

Continue to become the creative you were created to be, and if you enjoyed this, please forward it to a friend!



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