πŸ™Why THIS Week Is Special [The Creative's Checkup]

Today's Checkup Includes...

​Vital Signs A Week I'll Never Forget

​Lab Work The Glow Up is REAL (Website Updates)

​Consult Ready to Discover Your Creative Type? (New Quiz)

​Prescriptions Podcast Sharing and YouTube Near 1000 Subs

​More Ways to Thrive

Vital Signs.p>


A Week I'll Never Forget

How can you put love into words?

I know the answer is to write the word "Jesus".

But in a way (and I don't mean this to be heretical), that's incomplete.

Because Jesus' love becomes clear to us when people act like Jesus and show what His love looks like.

That's exactly what I experienced this past weekend in my family.

So while this week marks the anniversary of God and Gigs, both the publishing of my book and the podcast...in my life, it marks yet another remarkable season of grace and God's continual mercy.

Two very significant events - one involving my son Marcus two years ago, and then another this past week with my amazing wife Lia - will now forever accompany my memories of the first week of September.

It was such a whirlwind this weekend that there was no way I could focus on producing the 300th episode of the podcast, which I decided to postpone.

So while it's been a topsy-turvy time, It's been entirely appropriate to what God and Gigs stands for, and what will remain our guiding principle...

Creativity and business will always take a back seat to faith and family.

And when faith and family are in the proper focus, "all these things will be added."

There's so much I could say about this - in fact, I did an impromptu livestream on Sunday night just to unpack my feelings - but here's my primary takeaway.

God knows what every season and situation of your life will require, and he's uniquely preparing both you and the people in your life to endure it and to become more aware of His love and presence through it.


Don't be in a rush.

Soak in the good and the not-so-good.

Be still and know He is God.

Seek out the people He's sent to you.

And then take the next step in faith.


Lab Work.p>


The Glow Up is REAL

While I did choose to delay the release of our 300th podcast episode, the front page of Godandgigs.com and our membership platform, God and Gigs 360, got an entire makeover this past week - and things look niiiiiiiiiiiice.

So nice, in fact, that we were chosen as a featured community in the Mighty Networks Spotlight in the Spirituality category - giving our amazing community an incredible boost of visibility. How cool is that? (another reason why you should be a member of 360!)


This glow up in both our website and membership was only possible because the tools we've employed and the advice we're getting from our Established Creative Experts, like LaShonda Brown, our friends at Flipped Lifestyle, Mighty Networks, and so many others.

Here's a few quick resources we utilized that you should definitely try out for yourself if you want to upgrade your own online presence.

​Interact - We've added a quiz to our website where you can find out your current creative personality type. *thanks LaShonda for this tip!

​Coolors - we picked a new color palate to refresh our brand and make it consistent across every platform (yes, you'll see a lot more purple - no coicidence that it's my wife's favorite color)

​Senja - we've added testimonials to every part of our landing pages and on the front page of the website.

Throughout my online refresh, I paid close attention to other creators like Jay Clouse and followed the advice of experts like Donald Miller (StoryBrand) and Gina Binachini (Mighty Networks) to make sure our website and membership was more effective.

Of course, the only proof that our glow up is making an impact is whether our traffic increases and you like the experience.

So I'd love for you to visit our refreshed sites and tell me what you think.

​See the New Front Page here​

​See the New 360 Membership Intro here​




Ready to Discover Your Creative Type?

As I mentioned earlier, our new Christian Creative Personality Quiz is now LIVE and I'm so curious to find out what kinds of creative you are.

Without giving too much away (so that you're not biased in your answers)...the first few test takers found out that the quiz is highly accurate in diagnosing your current creative situation and pointing out what you can do to lean into your strengths and grow more confident as a creative.

Not only that, the quiz gives you the opportunity to sign up for much more specialized and personalized bonus resources so you can continue to level up in your faith, artistry and relationships.

​So don't hesitate - the quiz only takes a few minutes!​

But remember this is a conversation so reply to this email when you're done and tell me what personality type you got!

​Discover your Creative Personality Here​




​SHARE THE PODCAST as we approach #300! ​

As we mentioned, we've postponed the 300th episode, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to celebrate. Here's just a few of our amazing guests that have been highlights during our 7 years as a podcast.

​Parris Bowens (Tye Tribbett, Anthony Hamilton) ​

​Jordan Raynor (Best Selling Author) ​

​Carlin McCullar (CEO of Shedtracks, Drummer with Israel Houghton)​

​Matt Tommey (Best Selling Author, Leading Christian Artist mentor) ​

​Jade Warshaw (Ramsey Show Personality) ​

​Deirdre Tshien (CEO of Capsho)​

​Trent Phillips (Producer, Donnie McClurkin, Tasha Cobbs Leonard) ​

​Teja Veal (Janelle Monae, Music Soulchild)​

​Jalisa Faye (Background Vocalist for Tye Tribbett) ​

​Dontantiel Jamel Kimborough (Grammy-winning producer) ​


And the list goes on!

Your prescription this week is to pick just ONE of these episodes and share it with a friend!


​Will We Reach 1000 Subs on YouTube This Week? ​

We are at 950 subscribers which puts us SO close to the magic number of 1000. Having 1000 subscribers on YouTube is one of the prerequisites of getting monetized on YouTube, along with 4,000 hours of watch time, so getting those next 50 subs is a BIG deal and will help us grow our community!

If you haven't subscribed already, please do so this week - you'll be making a HUGE deposit into God and Gigs and you'll be notified when we post new videos as well!


What did you think of this Creative Checkup?

Click your reaction


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Here's some more ways that we can help you become a completely confident, God-centered creative.



Value4Value - how we help each other

If you've gotten any value from God and Gigs - our newsletter, videos, podcast, coaching or community - here's 3 easy ways to show your appreciation and send value back our way.

TIME - share an episode, a link or forward this newsletter to a friend. Or leave a comment on our socials - that engagement does wonders for us.

TALENT - we can use any talent or admin skill you want to share - from voiceovers to theme songs. Let me know via an email if you’re interested in sharing!

TREASURE - You can become a producer of our podcast with monthly donations and you can even support the podcast IN REAL TIME via Value4Value with tiny pieces of Bitcoin! (trust me, it's actually way easier than you think)


The easy way to get started having fun in Value4Value is to download a modern podcast app here! ​


I personally use the "Fountain" app and it's AWESOME.

(Apple and Spotify don't let you connect with me directly like these apps do)


That small sign of support makes a huge difference in my ability to serve you with continuous episodes that inspire and motivate our community.


Become a Monthly ​Partner with the Podcast Here and become a God and Gigs "Producer"


Thanks for reading!

Continue to become the creative you were created to be, and if you enjoyed this, please forward it to a friend!





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